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Completed Access to Information Requests: August 2017

August 2017: Completed Access to Information Requests. Request numbers are listed in the first column. Read down the first column and then to the right for the summary of the request, disposition and number of pages released.
Request Number Summary of Request Disposition Number of Pages Released

Copies of all resulting contracts for consulting/contracting staffing efforts in the National Capital Region from January 2017 to (and including) June 2017. This includes:

  • copies of Temporary Help Services (THS) Standing Offer (SO) call ups and Temporary Help Services (THS) Supply Arrangement (SA) contracts
  • copies of Task and Solutions Professional Services (TSPS) Standing Offer (SO) call ups and Task and Solutions Professional Services (TSPS) Supply Arrangement (SA) contracts
  • copies of Task Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Standing Offer (SO) call ups and Task Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS) Supply Arrangement (SA) contracts
  • copies of ProServices Supply Arrangement contracts

If possible, we request that the documents be separated by PWGSC supply vehicle. If requests have been received previously by your organization, please contact us to discuss whether a copy of that request would be sufficient for our files. We are requesting all of the documents in the entirety, not lists, but will accept lists in the interim while copies are being collated by your organization. We are not requesting copies of our own awarded call-ups and contracts, but instead of ALL awarded call-ups and contracts by your department to any/all consulting firms. Please send the results in 3-month instalments. Thank you.

Disclosed in part 24

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